Since retiring from a career in the computer industry in 2015, Tom has devoted his time to public service. His volunteer engagement began when he became a coach for his son’s Lexington United Soccer Club team, which gradually evolved into becoming the club President and spearheading a multiyear initiative to bring lighting to Lincoln Park fields (Light Up Lincoln).
Tom has been an active Town Meeting member since 2018. He has participated in efforts to promote a diversity of housing types and has made concrete suggestions for zoning improvements that were later passed by Town Meeting. As a member of the Bicycle Advisory Committee, Tom reviews development plans to assess their adequacy for cyclists. Tom volunteers weekly to mentor high school students to achieve their goals of attending college with the Minds Matter and LexRAP organizations.
Tom understands that lasting solutions require compromise and a good faith effort to respect diverse points of view. Whether in his professional life or in his activities as a volunteer and Town Meeting member, he has consistently shown a willingness to listen and to evolve his thinking when new information and perspectives come to light.
Tom and his wife Suzanne Lau moved to Lexington in 2008 after time in Silicon Valley and a multi-year stint in France. Their three adult children all graduated from Lexington High School.
Town Meeting member, Precinct 9, 2018-present
Bicycle Advisory Committee, 2023-present
Zoning Board of Appeals Associate, 2024-present
Lexington Housing Study Group, 2021-present
Rep. Michelle Ciccolo campaign treasurer, 2020-2023
Lexington election worker, 2020-present
Lexington United Soccer Club, 2009-2019, coach, field coordinator, president
Light Up Lincoln field lights, 2012-2017, president
Minds Matter mentor and ACT instructor, 2021-present
LexRAP academic mentor for HS student, 2023-present